Milkshake! Mwahahz!
This'll be a good one to add with Mia, the song milkshake :P LOL! Love the clips btw. Keep it up ^_^
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Milkshake! Mwahahz!
This'll be a good one to add with Mia, the song milkshake :P LOL! Love the clips btw. Keep it up ^_^
okay so
it served a good perpos to explane to a newbie that it wasnt intentional that they went and messed up zero wing, however i have to complane that the sound couldve used a more... ehh... understandable... microsoft sam voice...
i'll give you a 4
That was so cool :P I cant wait to see more of your work
Well considering the fact i encouter this oodd stuff all the time... this really isnt new to me, seeing ghosts, apperations, and sometimes tisembodied limbs/following eyes.
Really, all the game did was give me a good laugh :P
Eather way it is a great flash. Only thing that really disappointed me was the fact that little girl was poorly did. I expected her to become the real ghoul that she should have transformed into--and that of which most disrupted spirits become into. All she did was shake?
That was more disapointing then the story
Plus, really, i lowered the grade a little more, becouse you had it to where you couldnt quite understand the spirits "messages." Then again you wouldnt know that one i suppose... but eather way you also had it to close to the mark that i actuily had to look behind me to see if i was being called again.
Anyway, good flash.
This is my favirote game on newgrounds. I have played this game for months on end and it never gets boring. With the options of inserting in your own MP3's you wont have to always get stuck listening to that one annoying song over and over again on your favorite duling ground. Then with the option of dressing your character of however you wish, with weapons of choice, the posibilities are endless!!
Great job Mousekliks!
The perfect balloon duler, everythings bought, all options are open, and best of all is a crapload of money. Have at it!
Considering that this clip made me relise that i need to go out and get cloaths that dosnt hide me so much is what gave ya the high grade.
After all you can onlyshow off your stumach for so long :P lol
Im just trying to bring some humor from online games to the world, it isnt sapposed to have a meaning or really put a bad check on them. Just something to poke at on the side. So if you cant take a joke, then stop looking at my stuff.
Age 39, Female
Dark Rogue
Illinois, USA
Joined on 1/26/04